What can I do to improve my tennis without making major changes in  my game?

This week’s question comes from another mid level club member.  “I play doubles at the club a couple of times a week. What can I do to improve my tennis without making major changes in  my game?

As an avid tennis player, you know that the key to success on the court is constant improvement. While you enjoy playing doubles at the club a couple of times a week, you also recognize that there are areas in your game that could use some work. 

However, you don’t want to make any major changes that could throw off your entire game. So what can you do to improve your tennis without making any major changes?  

First, start by assessing your strengths and weaknesses. Consider which parts of your game are already strong and which could use some improvement. For example:

  • Are you struggling with your footwork? This is typically a problem of your balance and inertia accelerated with age.
  • Is your serve not as consistent as you’d like it to be?  Typically a poor ball toss due to lack of rhythm and balance.
  • Are you having trouble with your backhand?  Typically a dominant eye issue.
  • Could your volleys need some help?  Typically a ball watching issue causing you to be slow to react to the ball.

Note these suggestions are simple and DO NOT require you to make major changes in your game!

In 1933, Mercer Beasley wrote a book titled “How to Play Tennis.” Beasley was the coach of the tennis legends of his time, including Vines, Austin, and Parker. In his book, Beasley outlined the three greatest tennis tips of all time: 1) Keep your eye on the ball, 2) Get your racket back as quickly as possible, and 3) Move your feet

Although there have been advancements in racket technology, court surfaces, and shot selection, the fundamentals of the game have remained unchanged. Our Whisperer Notes provide a timeless reference to elaborate these tennis tips.  They may help you identify your area(s) of weakness, and the simple steps you can start to focus on improving them.

Finally, if you are willing to make an investment in $$$, and the time/frustration to change, you might consider taking a couple of private coaching lessons to get some expert advice on specific shot(s). A professional coach may help you identify areas for improvement and address them.

Remember, improving your tennis game is a continuous process that requires patience and dedication. By making small adjustments, at any age, you can improve your tennis without making any major changes to your overall game.

Good luck,
Rob  Tennis Whisperer