Outplay a Moonballer

Overview of the Moonballer Strategy

A moonballer is a player who prioritizes hitting high, looping shots that land deep in the opponent’s court. This strategy is primarily used by junior players who leverage this defensive technique to frustrate their opponents and win by forcing errors. The high bounce of these shots can be particularly challenging for players who are not comfortable with handling such balls, especially those who prefer a lower strike zone.

Why the Moonballer Strategy Works in Junior Tennis

1. Consistency and Patience:

– Junior players often lack the patience to construct points and may get frustrated by the long rallies induced by moonballing. The consistent high balls force players into longer rallies, increasing the likelihood of mistakes.

2. Exploiting the “Quick Hitter:

– A moonballer can effectively exploit a “quick hitter,” who may be slow to prepare for shots and lack consistent ball-watching skills. The high, looping shots disrupt their rhythm and force them to generate their own pace, often leading to rushed or mistimed strokes.

How to Play Against a Moonballer

1. Stay Patient and Composed:

– Accept that rallies will be long and stay mentally prepared to outlast the moonballer. There is NO need to rush your shots or attempt risky winners from the back of the court. Make “TIME” your friend.

2. Use “California Groundies”:

– To handle moonballs effectively from the back of the court, use California groundies. This involves hitting topspin groundstrokes with a focus on consistency and depth to drive the moonballer back. These shots help in maintaining pressure on the moonballer while reducing the risk of errors. The heavy topspin pushes the moonballer further back, giving you more time to take control of the point.

3. Positioning Inside the Ghost Line:

– Focus on hitting enough balls to get inside your ghost line. From there, you can take control of the court using your regular game and use angles most effectively.

4. Attack with Purpose:

– Inside your ghost line, you can hit aggressive, deep or angle shots to either push the moonballer back or off court. Deep shots will minimize the chance of you getting lobbed when you go to the net.

5. Improve Preparation and Ball-Watching Skills:

– Work on your readiness and focus on consistently watching the ball. This will help you anticipate and prepare for the moonballer’s shots more effectively, ensuring you are in the right position to counter their strategy.

6. Patiently Set Up the Point:

– Recognize that the moonballer is not an aggressive player. Your goal is to gain control of the point by patiently constructing it. Wait for the right opportunity to attack, using their defensive shots to your advantage.


Playing against a moonballer requires patience, tactical awareness, and early shot preparation. By positioning yourself inside the ghost line, you can effectively counter this strategy and take control of the match.

Honing your preparation and ball-watching skills will minimize the disruptions caused by their high, looping shots and keep you in a better position to respond.

Finally, focus on patiently setting up the point, waiting for the right moments to transition from defense to offense and gain control of the point.